Medair Jobs
Ukraine Program / Project Management | Field – International staff
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Advisor ROC Required
Working as an important member of a diverse team who are committed to serve the world’s most vulnerable with practical and compassionate care, the Cash…
Sudan Program / Project Management | Field – International staff
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Project Manager ROC Required
Develop, establish and manage Medair’s cash programming in Sudan. This involves initial assessment, engaging with other actors, designing the project(s), contributing to proposals, developing and…
Syria Finance & Grant Management | Field – International staff
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Project Manager ROC Required
Develop, establish and manage Medair’s cash programming in Syria. This involves initial assessment, engaging with other actors, designing the project(s), contributing to proposals, developing and…
Chad Senior Management | Field – International staff
Leading and growing a diverse team who are committed to serve the world’s most vulnerable with practical and compassionate care, the Country Director oversees all…
Afghanistan Senior Management | Field – International staff
Leading a diverse team who are committed to serve the world’s most vulnerable with practical and compassionate care the Country Director oversees all programme and…
Ukraine Senior Management | Field – International staff
Deputy Country Director ROC Required
Manage the development and implementation of the Ukraine support functions to facilitate the implementation of the country programme strategy. Providing leadership, strategic direction, management and…
South Sudan Finance & Grant Management | Field – International staff
Working as an important member of a diverse team who are committed to serve the world’s most vulnerable with practical and compassionate care the Finance…
D.R. Congo Health, Nutrition & Psychosocial | Field – International staff
Health & Nutrition Manager ROC Required
Manage, monitor and evaluate the assigned health & Nutrition project(s), in close collaboration with the Health PM, effectively managing and reporting on the projects in…
Sudan Health, Nutrition & Psychosocial | Field – International staff
Health & Nutrition Project Manager ROC Required
Develop, monitor and evaluate the assigned health and nutrition (H&N) project, with support from sector advisors. Develop lead implementation and ensure adequate monitoring and evaluation…
Sudan Health, Nutrition & Psychosocial | Field – International staff
Health & Nutrition Project Manager ROC Required
Develop, monitor and evaluate the assigned health and nutrition (H&N) project, with support from sector advisors. Develop lead implementation and ensure adequate monitoring and evaluation…
Syria Health, Nutrition & Psychosocial | Field – International staff
Health and Nutrition Advisor ROC Required
Provide technical advice and support to the field management and the health, nutrition, and protection staff in Syria and to interact with Medair’s Senior Health…
Afghanistan, D.R. Congo, Jordan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Middle East Region, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria Health, Nutrition & Psychosocial | Field – International staff
Health Project Manager, Generic ROC Required
Manage the health project in line with the objectives, timeframe and budget laid down in the current proposal and meet Medair quality standards and the…
Switzerland Information Technology Services | Global Support Office staff
IT Project Manager / Business Analyst
The ITS Project Manager (PM) / Business Analyst will be responsible for the implementation of IT projects that are a part of our strategy and…
Afghanistan, D.R. Congo, Jordan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen Communications, Fundraising & Media | Field – International staff
Medair Relief & Recovery Orientation Course (ROC) – March 2024
Medair ROC course
South Sudan Health, Nutrition & Psychosocial | Field – International staff
Mental Health & Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Project Manager ROC Required
Working as an important member of a diverse team who are committed to serve the world’s most vulnerable with practical and compassionate care, the MHPSS…
Sudan Health, Nutrition & Psychosocial | Field – International staff
Mental Health & Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Project Manager ROC Required
Working as an important member of a diverse team who are committed to serve the world’s most vulnerable with practical and compassionate care, the MHPSS…
Ukraine Health, Nutrition & Psychosocial | Field – International staff
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Advisor ROC Required
Working as an important member of a diverse team who are committed to serve the world’s most vulnerable, the MHPSS Advisor provides leadership and technical…
Ukraine Health, Nutrition & Psychosocial | Field – International staff
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Manager ROC Required
Working as an important member of a diverse team who are committed to serve the world’s most vulnerable with practical and compassionate care, the MHPSS…
Sudan Monitoring & Evaluation | Field – International staff
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Manager ROC Required
Working as an important member of a diverse team who are committed to serve Sudan’s most vulnerable with practical and compassionate care, the Monitoring, Evaluation,…
Afghanistan, D.R. Congo, Jordan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Middle East Region, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria Health, Nutrition & Psychosocial | Field – International staff
Nutrition Manager, Generic ROC Required
Assist and supervise the direct implementation of nutrition programme, which includes screening, clinical management of severe and moderate acute malnutrition, community mobilisation and Infant and…
Sudan Senior Management | Field – International staff
Project Coordinator ROC Required
Working as a senior member of a diverse team who are committed to serve Sudan’s most vulnerable with practical and compassionate care, the Project Coordinator…
Sudan Senior Management | Field – International staff
Project Coordinator ROC Required
Working as a senior member of a diverse team who are committed to serve Sudan’s most vulnerable with practical and compassionate care, the Project Coordinator…
Lebanon Project Support | Field – International staff
The Project Officer is an entry-level developmental role designed to provide humanitarian experience to a new relief worker who wants to pursue and develop a…
Ukraine Health, Nutrition & Psychosocial | Field – International staff
Protection and Mental Health & Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Project Manager ROC Required
Working as an important member of a diverse team who are committed to serve the world’s most vulnerable with practical and compassionate care, the Protection-MHPSS…
Ukraine Shelter & Infrastructure | Field – International staff
Provide technical advice and support to field management and shelter staff. On a day-to-day basis this involves developing, leading, monitoring and evaluating the shelter, NFI,…
Ukraine Shelter & Infrastructure | Field – International staff
Shelter Infrastructure Manager ROC Required
Together with the Shelter PM, strengthen the delivery of shelter projects in Northeaster Ukraine. Support shelter staff in assessments, planning, execution, and monitoring. Build the…
Afghanistan, D.R. Congo, Jordan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Middle East Region, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria Shelter & Infrastructure | Field – International staff
Shelter Project Manager, Generic ROC Required
Plan, develop, monitor and evaluate the assigned shelter project(s), assessing shelter needs, designing projects, writing proposals, initiating and effectively managing and reporting on the projects…
Afghanistan, D.R. Congo, Jordan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Middle East Region, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria Water, Sanitation & Hygiene | Field – International staff
WASH Project Manager, Generic ROC Required
Plan, develop, monitor and evaluate the assigned WASH project(s). Assess WASH needs, design projects, write proposals and initiate and effectively manage and report on projects…
Madagascar Water, Sanitation & Hygiene | Field – International staff
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Manager ROC Required
The WASH Manager plays a vital role in community mobilisation as well as in the access to safe water and sanitation for the target population….
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