
EOI Training of Business Mentors in West Pokot County on Poverty Graduation Model

Building Resilience of Communities Against Effects of Climate Change (BRCAECC) in West Pokot County project

Closing date : 8 May 2023


For the expression of interest (EOI) Training of Business Mentors in West Pokot County on Poverty graduation Model


    1. Key proposal dates

Submission of technical and financial proposal: 8th May 2023

Expected Start Date: 15th May 2023

End Date: 15th August 2023

    1. Language of the assignment


Work plan & Timetable

1. Training of business mentors for 4 days

2. Monitoring of business mentors 2 days per month for 3 months

2.0. Programme Overview

Action Against Hunger was established in 1979 and provides humanitarian relief in over 40 countries worldwide in the sectors of nutrition, health, water/sanitation, and food security. In Kenya, the organization established the mission in 2006 in order to support the Government of Kenya in the implementation of nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive actions that are geared towards ending malnutrition and mitigating the underlying causes as well as protecting maternal and child nutrition.

In Kenya Action Against Hunger contributes to fight hunger in ASAL (West Pokot, Isiolo, Samburu and Mandera) and Western regions (Kakamega, Busia, Trans Nzoia and Bungoma) of Kenya with a view of eliminating hunger.

About the program

Action Against Hunger is implementing resilience building interventions in West Pokot County targeting vulnerable communities with the aim of improving their livelihoods. The County is facing myriad of challenges such as poverty, low literacy levels, limited livelihood sources coupled with recurrent shocks eroding the community’s capacity and resilience to multiple shocks. Action Against Hunger intends to apply the Poverty graduation model to support extreme poor households participating in meaningful economic activities that boost their incomes, ultimately getting out of poverty and improving their well-being. Action Against Hunger will target mother to mother support groups with combination of layered and sequenced interventions that will empower women to attain strengthened and sustainable livelihoods. The interventions will include conducting organizational capacity assessment for the groups to identify capacity gaps to prioritize in capacity trainings, building capacities in matters entrepreneurship, business development, and financial management among others and stimulate initiatives for sustainable alternative livelihoods ventures. Continuous mentorship will be an integral part of these interventions.

Action Against Hunger is seeking for a consultant to scale-up the adoption of the poverty Graduation Model anchored in four critical pillars of social protection, livelihood promotion, social empowerment, and financial inclusion. Interventions toward the pillars will be addressed through 5 cycles of poverty graduation model: targeting of beneficiaries, training of business mentors on financial skills, business saving groups, seed funding and mentoring of business mentors.


Action Against Hunger (AAH) is implementing a program titled Building Resilience of Communities Against Effects of Climate Change (BRCAECC) in West Pokot County projectand supported by the Fields foundation. The objective of the program is to strengthen the capacity of women’s groups to protect and participate in sustainable livelihoods among vulnerable communities in West Pokot County. AAH Seeks the services of a consultant, specialised in poverty graduation model to train business mentors on the approach and mentor them to offer the services to farmer groups in West Pokot County.

  1. Scope of the Evaluation

The consultant will support AAH to design a poverty graduation-training module aligning to the relevant county and national policies, train 10 business mentors TOTs and monitor the performance of the mentors.

In the execution of this assignment, the consultant will:

  • Develop a tailored Poverty Graduation training manual.
  • Develop a training program for the business mentors based on the poverty graduation model.
  • Deliver training to the business mentors on the poverty graduation model and how to train farmer groups.
  • Provide ongoing support and mentoring to the business mentors as they conduct the trainings.
  • Carry out pre and post assessment knowledge survey to the business mentors.
  1. Expected Deliverables
  2. A tailored Poverty Graduation training manual
  3. A training program for business mentors based on the poverty graduation model.
  4. A report on the training of business mentors, including the number of participants, topics covered, and feedback from participants.
  5. Technical reference documents and training materials to be used by the mentors.
  6. A monitoring and evaluation report on the effectiveness of the training program and recommendations for improvement.

3.1. Learning workshop and Validation Workshops

The result of this evaluation should be presented in a written report and through briefings with AAH Kenya mission, at the county and national level. Reviews from the teams will be included in the final report. The report will include but not limited to best practice, information for fund raising and advocacy.

3.2. Methodology

The consultant will be expected to conduct trainings anchored on poverty graduation models in West Pokot County. S/He will conduct residential trainings for business mentors, equip them with the necessary tools to train groups on the approach and conduct subsequent follow ups on the progress of the trainings by the business mentors, while providing monthly updates.

3.3 The proposal

The format of the proposal shall include consultants’ interpretation of the scope of work, the proposed methodology, proposed value add to the exercise and examples of previous work done.

3.4 Debriefing with Action Against Hunger Kenya Country Office

The consultant should provide a debriefing with the relevant respective AAH staff and key stakeholders on the draft report, and on the main findings, conclusions and recommendations of the proposal development process. Relevant comments will be incorporated into the final report.

  • Relevant Master’s degree in relevant field
  • Demonstrated equivalent experience in designing, training and monitoring poverty graduation models
  • Significant experience in coordination, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programmes
  • Good communication skills and experience of workshop facilitation
  • Ability to write clear and detailed reports (will be required to produce examples of previous work)
  • Fluent in English (and Swahili would be a bonus)
  • Understanding of multiple donor requirements.
  • Ability to manage the available time and resources and to work to tight deadlines
  • Independence from the parties involved
  • Has/constitute a multi-disciplinary team that is relevant to the nature of the project being evaluated.

The ownership of the draft and final documentation belong to the AAH and the funding donor exclusively. The document, or publication related to it, will not be shared with anybody except AAH before the delivery by AAH of the final document to the donor.

AAH is to be the main addressee of the evaluation and its results might impact on both operational and technical strategies. AAH is likely to share the results of the proposal with the following groups:

  • Donor(s)
  • Governmental partners
  • Various co-ordination bodies
  1. Intellectual Property Rights

All documentation related to the Assignment (whether or not in the course of your duties) shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the AAH.


The consultant is responsible for personal insurance during the evaluation. The consultant will also provide any necessary materials (including laptops) required for the evaluation. Accommodation and transportation within Nairobi is the responsibility of the consultant. AAH will ONLY cover for the expenses for accommodation in the field as per AAH guidelines and policies.


a) i) 1-2 page Technical proposal detailing understanding of Terms of Reference, proposed methodology, experience,work plan and summary budget

b) Financial proposal detailing various specific budget items

c) A commitment statement that the consultant awarded the contract will be the one to conduct the evaluation.

How to apply

Email address for submission

Note that the financial and technical proposal should be presented on separate documents in the same email.

Prospective applicants should send their detailed applications on or before May 8th, 2023 to tenders@ke-actionagainsthunger.org

Action Against Hunger reserves the right to accept or reject any bid in part or whole and is not bound to give reason(s) for its decisions.

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