RFP: Design and Layout Africa Agriculture Status Report 2023
The objective of this assignment is to design the cover page, layout the interior pages, charts and tables of the Africa Agriculture Status Report 2023 as per agreed AGRA standards. Where possible, to redraw the charts, tables and graphs.
The Scope
This year’s AASR will focus on building blocks for investment for food systems in Africa and how countries can be supported to transform pathways into strategies and to design and operationalize investment plans aimed at supporting the food systems transformative agenda and do this in a multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral collaborative fashion. The publication will discuss what is at stake for food systems in Africa if the key challenges such as leadership and governance, climate change, investing and financing, and the capacities required are not comprehensively addressed.
The volume will explore the basic building blocks for a strong food system that delivers healthy diets and achieve better nutrition and the zero hunger goals. In addition, it will explore the partnerships that are required to deliver and promote food systems that are efficient, supports healthy consumption patterns, and promote the inclusion of smallholder farmers, women and youth and integrate better territorial development objectives. This touches on every priority that AGRA works on with the partners, so it provides a good opportunity for us to bring together viewpoints and lessons to define the agenda and practical next steps with policies, programs, and investments.
In this regard, AGRA is seeking to engage the services of a designer in the preparation of the 2023 Africa Agriculture Status report focusing on Securing Africa’s food systems: Recovery and beyond. Specifically, the editor will work in cooperation and collaboration with AGRA, the Head M&E/KM Unit and the lead coordinator.
This report will include a detailed collection of data and information from SSA countries. The report will be approximately 100 pages, including statistical tables, technical boxes and/or illustrative charts and graphs. There will be a lead coordinator who will be the main point of contact with the vendor. The report will be ready by end of July 2023.